Hot Lard Flashback – Hold My Hand

2dgs6jaI especially like this post, because it could be deemed as one of my more sensitive moments. I wrote about my love & compassion of the woman I chose to spend my life with. I show my tender side and the fact that a warm, caring heart does pump blood through my veins….

But as usual, my diseased brain ends up taking me down the same sick and perverted path I normally venture.

Hey, at least I tried….

To read the original post, click here.

Hot Lard Flashback – A Pony for my Daughters Birthday

Here is another post I did back in the 2007 – 2008 time frame. I’m particularly proud of this one, because I posted it on Yahoo Answers and asked folks if I did the right thing getting my daughter a pony for her birthday. After reading it…. AND TAKING IT SERIOUSLY!!! People went ape shit with their replies. The one I picked as the “Best Answer” was classic, and reaffirmed my belief that you did not need the be a member of MENSA to give advise on Yahoo Answers.  I wish I could show you the responses I got on Yahoo, but…. my account sort of got suspended shortly after that.6ku1oye2 I logged on to Yahoo Answers this last weekend and my account is still suspended…. Some 5 years later.

Click here to be taken to the 2009 reposting of this wonderfully heart warming story of a man and his quest to get his daughter the one thing that she wanted most for her birthday

… Oh and there’s a mention of cream corn wrestling in it also, I think.


Should I…

Along with asking myself “What If” I will also ask, “Should I”  questions from time to time. Such as…

Should I continue my education?

Should I lean another language?

Should I tell that girl I share an elevator every morning with, that I want to motorboat her sweater cows more than anything else in the world?

I believe asking ourselves questions like that, helps us to better ourselves.

Here are a few more “Should I” questions I have….

Should I become an art class model?


Should I start dating again? Of course this is something that would really piss off my wife.


Should I become a super hero?


Should I start working on some of those home repair projects I have been putting off?


Should I tell my buddy how I really feel when he says he enjoys watching Twilight with his girlfriend?


Should I join the Mexican Army?


Should I take up mountain biking?



Should I learn more about science?


Should I go for a hike?


Should I spend more time at the beach?


Should I teach a young boy how to ride a bike?


Should I believe in ghosts?


Should I buy a Corvette?


Should I get that awesome paint job on my van I’ve always wanted?


There are so many things I have left to do with my life.

Hot Lard Kodak Moment – Despicable Me Minions, Before the Fame.

Here is a shot of the Despicable Me Minions before all the fame and fortune. As you can see, they came from very humble beginnings like most of us.


Before the success, life was pretty hard on the minions. They could not afford many of life’s essentials and were forced to do unspeakable things to make ends meet.  Many of the minions were forced into minion prostitution and minion porn. Some were even sold to Max Factor and Maybelline to test makeup. It is widely believed today, that is how they got their bright yellow skin color. 

  Things looked bleak for the minion race and minion extinction was all but certain, if things did not change soon.  Fortunately the movie hit and thanks to the makeup testing that caused their incoherent rambling and bright yellow glow, kids fell in love with them.  So it goes to prove that animal or minion testing does seem to work out for the testies… Now we just need a cartoon about rabbits wearing lipstick and eyeliner and everyone should be happy. 

Of course, no matter how bad it got for the minions, none of them looked as bad as Spongebob Squarepants after he lost his fame.


Breaks your heart, doesn’t it.

Giving Your Co-Workers a Nickname

Started giving nicknames to the people at work.The names are based on my first impression & how appealing the individual is to me.why-connect-coworkers-social-media1

It was going great, until I was called into HR by Ms. Damn I’d Like to Motorboat Those, Mr. Definition of Child Rapist, & Mrs. I Wouldn’t Fuck You with His Dick.

Topless Photo of Amanda Bynes

Every now and then a cash cow news scoop just lands in your lap. Then looks up at you and says, use me like a cheap Taiwanese hooker with one leg and no short term memory.

……and that is exactly what has happened here.

It appears that one of Amanda Bynes many personalities got loose with her body in front of a camera and decided to take her shirt and bra off.

Click on the thumbnail below to take you to the location we have the picture saved. It’s too steamy to to keep it on the front page. This is a classy site after all.




My Thoughts by Ervin Shlopnick – A Father & Son

I had my last child later in life. I was nearly 40 when he was born and I am 48 today. I still enjoy doing all the things a father does with his son… Teaching him to ride a bike, going fishing, playing baseball, and skipping rocks. At times I wish I’d had him earlier in life, so my stamina would be more apt to keep up with him. But, I do the best that I can… When he is a senior in high school, I’ll be 59. I’m not sure if I will be able to keep up at all then… But he will be 18, and can legally view porn…. And that is something we can do sitting down.h73FF8FDB