My Thoughts by Ervin Shlopnick – A Father & Son

I had my last child later in life. I was nearly 40 when he was born and I am 48 today. I still enjoy doing all the things a father does with his son… Teaching him to ride a bike, going fishing, playing baseball, and skipping rocks. At times I wish I’d had him earlier in life, so my stamina would be more apt to keep up with him. But, I do the best that I can… When he is a senior in high school, I’ll be 59. I’m not sure if I will be able to keep up at all then… But he will be 18, and can legally view porn…. And that is something we can do sitting down.h73FF8FDB

Mr Positive – 9/24/2010

Mr Positive says… “Rocks are harder than feathers because rocks are made from a rock like substance, where feathers are made from stuff that can make you fly. If I had to kill a cyclopes who has a runny nose and no pants… I’d go with the rock as my weapon of choice…… But would keep some feathers handy in case I had to fall back, fly away and fight another day”.